Building capacity local prefab mass timber solutions

Advancing mass timber

Building capacity local prefab mass timber solutions presents recommendations and steps local governments can implement to develop policies and regulations that support the adoption of mass timber construction in their jurisdictions. The guide is the result of extensive consultation conducted by Simon Fraser University’s Renewable Cities.

In 2022, Renewable Cities assembled an interdisciplinary project team of architects, planners, developers, and building officials to work with over 230 municipal and building stakeholders to increase understanding of key land use and permitting barriers for the construction of prefabricated and mid-rise mass timber structures. The result of those engagements is the development of this guide.

Local solutions

Mid-rise buildings (7 to 12 stories) constructed with prefabricated mass timber can offer environmental, economic, and community benefits across the province. Even though mass timber has advanced in British Columbia (B.C.), there are still hurdles to making it mainstream. The mid-rise mass timber building form provided in the BC Building Code does not necessarily align well with existing local government regulations and procedures.

This guide offers deep insights and specific recommendations to help support the advancement of mass timber construction in B.C.

Who is the guide for?

  • Local governments: To gain a better understanding of how prefabricated mass timber construction can support thriving communities.
  • Developers: How to support more mid-rise mass timber buildings at the local level.
  • Government: To learn how provincial and federal policies affect construction standards for municipalities and developers working on mass timber projects and ways to advance innovation in this space.


Building capacity: Local prefab mass timber solutions guide

This guide by Renewable Cities provides policy and process solutions that can be adopted by local governments to support the adoption of mass timber construction.

renewable cities building capacity local prefab mass timber solutions
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Additional guides on local prefab mass timber solutions

The local government quick reference handbook

Released in April 2023, this quick reference guide is aimed at elected officials and local government staff interested in implementing mass timber solutions in their community.

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Design solutions to prefab mass timber construction V2.0

A design guide for how municipal land use regulations can better accommodate 7-12 storey mass timber buildings and outlines considerations for 18 storey projects.

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Learn more about SFU's project on local prefab mass timber solutions

Since 2021, Renewable Cities has successfully undertaken multiple stages of work to help create a more enabling environment for prefabricated mass timber construction in B.C., including engaging with B.C. municipalities, the development sector, manufacturers and key professions to better understand and solve policy and regulatory barriers to the delivery of this building form.

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